The Value of Struggle

As we have gone further down the road of embracing the “therapeutic” approach to parenting, we have lost both our ability to parent well and raise children who can handle the normal rigors of life.


In-person and remote options

We are based in Roanoke, Virginia and are available to travel throughout the country as well as hold sessions virtually


Get to know Keith

Portrait of elegant therapist wearing suit standing holding coffee cup and a folder and looking at camera.

Keith A. McCurdy,
M.A., Ed.S

Keith is a Family and Parenting Educator and Consultant, as well as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Virginia. He has worked with families, children, parents, and individuals for over 30 years in the field of mental health.


“His professional skills and personal stories just ‘hit home,’ and his teaching style is so comfortable to be around.”

— Francis

Featured Podcasts


Staying Off the Merry Go Round as Society Reopens and Speeds Up

Listen now

The Commons: Keith McCurdy on the Value of Struggle

Listen now

Practical Parenting… So Kids Stay Grounded in a Spinning World

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Start living sturdy, today.